Submit your AMS response for the chance to win a prize!

Blue background with purple speech bubble saying 'Annual membership survey'.

At the OU Students Association, it is our priority to ensure that the services and activities we offer students reflect your needs & student journey. This means keeping pace with the different ways that students engage with us, and our Annual Membership Survey (AMS) is designed to do just that.  

The main goal of this survey is to listen to your student experience and learn from it. Every year the OU Students Association checks in with our members through this survey to learn how we can provide you with even stronger support.   

The AMS is sent to our entire student membership and asks for your views on all aspects of our work. It includes everything from our events to student elections, volunteering, and support services.  

Ultimately, the AMS helps us take on board your views on everything we currently do, as well as what you would like to see us do next! Very shortly we will launch AMS2024, so keep an eye out in your emails in early November for your invitation to take part!

The Annual Membership Survey takes roughly 15 minutes to fill out. It will close on Wednesday, 13 December 2024

Did we mention there are prizes to be won? If you haven’t already, sign up to our newsletter to hear more AMS news!

Or check out more information about the AMS here.