Were you affected by the Marking and Assessment Boycott this summer? Your Student Leadership Team want to know how (so we can tell Parliament)!
The UK Parliament’s Education Committee are conducting an inquiry into the effect recent industrial action, in particular the Marking and Assessment Boycott, has had on students, and the effectiveness of any mitigations put in place. As a representative organisation, the OU Students Association are submitting a response. To help inform this response, we are keen to hear from students who were affected by the Marking and Assessment Boycott. To submit your views, please complete this survey by Sunday, 10 December 2023.
Marking and Assessment Boycott survey
You can also scan this QR code to access the survey.

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Alternatively, you can submit your own views to Parliament itself – more details can be found on the GOV.UK website: https://committees.parliament.uk/call-for-evidence/3289. These individual submissions would need to be submitted by Friday, 5 January 2024.