Society Events

View this month's events

Fri 23rd August

A blue background with text in the centre reading 'Book Club' with an image of books in the bottom left corner. Book Club
7pm - 8pm
Microsoft Teams

Fri 20th September

A blue background with text in the centre reading 'Book Club' with an image of books in the bottom left corner. Book Club
7pm - 8pm
Microsoft Teams

Fri 18th October

A blue background with text in the centre reading 'Book Club' with an image of books in the bottom left corner. Book Club
7pm - 8pm
Microsoft Teams

Fri 15th November

A blue background with text in the centre reading 'Book Club' with an image of books in the bottom left corner. Book Club
7pm - 8pm
Microsoft Teams

Fri 13th December

A blue background with text in the centre reading 'Book Club' with an image of books in the bottom left corner. Book Club
7pm - 8pm
Microsoft Teams
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